Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Story Time

We usually go to two local story times each week. Big Sister loves books, so spending an hour with friends listening to stories and singing songs makes her a happy camper! A family friend leads the story time at the Calera Library (she does a spectacular job!), and their pet rabbit just had babies, so they've been bringing them each week so the kids can watch them grow. This has definitely been the highlight of story time for Big Sister the last few weeks.

Little Bud tolerates both story times, but isn't a big fan of them at the moment. He doesn't like being held; he would much rather be crawling around, exploring and eating anything that fits into his mouth. The craft time is particularly challenging for him. He doesn't understand why he can't eat crayons and glue sticks, and he's not afraid to loudly protest his displeasure either :) Silly boy!  (Side note: he also LOVES to eat chalk; he can chomp down a whole piece in seconds.  We've hidden all of the chalk and crayons from him, but this past weekend, much to his delight, he tracked down some sidewalk chalk outside.)

A few weeks ago, Big Sister and her friend held hands 
during a couple of the stories.
baby rabbits!

Trying to keep this boy entertained and quiet during story time
is often a challenge.  At least he's cute ;)

one of the rabbits hopped over to visit Big Sister

Dr. Seuss hats

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