Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Over the past year Little Bud has spent many afternoons watching Big Sister have lots of fun during her gymnastics class at our local gym.  A few months ago I put him on the waiting list for the 2 and 3 year old class, and they called last week to let us know they had an opening for him.  When we told him, he was SO excited!  

I think the timing of the opening was perfect for him too.  He's communicating so much more lately and is able to listen and follow directions more too.  He's also been a better "friend" and hasn't had a hair pulling or biting incident in a while.  Hallelujah!

He was so proud going into the gym for his first class (his class is at the same time as Big Sisters), and he did SO well. He listened to his teacher and got to try out all of the equipment.  

that happy little face steals my heart!

forward roll

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pirate and Princess Pumpkins...take 3!

3 years ago my cousin posted in her blog about her boys decorating pumpkins with Mr. Potato head like pieces, and their pumpkins looked so fun that we decided to get some of our own.  So, after checking out the selection at our local Target, Big Sister decided on the princess set and she chose the pirate set for Little Bud (he was too young to care!).  We've used those pieces to decorate pumpkins the last 3 years, so it seems like it's turned into a fun little tradition.

2012 Pumpkins:

2013 Pumpkins:

Another 1/2 Birthday Celebration

Earlier this week we celebrated Big Sister's half birthday.  She is beyond excited to be officially be 5 and 1/2!  We started the day off with pancakes for breakfast.  She asked for 6 candles in her pancake, since she wasn't just 5 anymore ; )

We had a nice day together at home, and for dinner Big Sister requested nachos and "pupcakes".

She has grown up so much since her birthday 6 months ago!  I'm enjoying our school year this year; her ability to learn constantly amazes me.  Her favorite subjects seem to be history and science (we're learning about US history and the human body in science), but she is doing well in every subject (even math, which gave us a bit of trouble last year).  She has such a kind heart, and is always making little presents for us.  She sometimes even surprises me by making our bed or helping with other chores around the house.  She's growing taller and her face is looking more grown up with each passing day.  She's such a big girl and loves her independence : )

Big Sister was super excited to get 2 new Peppa Pig shirts and bows to match