Sunday, June 16, 2013

Check Ups

On Friday, I took both littles in for check ups at the doctors office.  Big Sister had her 4 year check up (a bit delayed because of our hectic schedule) and Little Bud had his 15 month check up.  They're both healthy and meeting all of their milestones!

Here are their stats from the appointment:

Big Sister
Height: 3 ft., 3 in. (30th percentile)
Weight: 33 lbs. (50th percentile)

She was happy to show off all of her "skills" to our pediatrician.  She demonstrated how she can balance AND jump on one foot, she counted to 20 (she can count to 30, but the doctor went on to ask her other questions when she paused at 20), and proudly told her that she dresses herself in the mornings and helps around the house (I guess independence is a 4 year old "milestone", and Big Sister definitely has that one handled!). 

Little Bud
Height: 29 1/2 in. (3rd percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs, 6 oz. (3rd percentile)
Head Circum.: 45 1/2 cm. (15th percentile)

He just cut all FOUR of his molars at one time, taking his tooth count up to 12.  He's wearing size 4 diapers, size 3 shoes and 9 to 12 month clothes.  He is definitely small for his age, but he's growing well based on his own growth chart.  He's a super happy boy who loves trucks (or anything with wheels), playing chase, dancing to music (he'll only dance and clap if he likes a particular song - his favorite band is definitely NeedtoBreath), eating and climbing (by the time I safeguard one climbing spot, he's found somewhere else to explore!).  He hasn't started walking by himself yet, but he does walk behind toys and walk along furniture and walls, and he crawls with lightning speed, so I don't think he has much motivation to fine tune his balancing skills (although I'm sure his knees will be so happy when he starts walking; he'll crawls across any surface, regardless of how rough it is).  Big Sister was almost 17 months when she finally learned to walk, so we're hoping that sometime in the next month or so, Little Bud will figure it out too :)


1 comment:

  1. both my kids were on their own tiny little growth lines before age 3. i figure as long as they sleep and poop, we're good!
