Thursday, August 3, 2017


This summer we decided to explore the great state of Colorado on our motorhome trip. We spent around a week in southern Colorado last summer, and we knew we'd just scraped the surface of all of the amazing things to see.

Early in the summer we researched places we wanted to explore, but didn't plan a specific itinerary. Other than deciding to visit Rocky Mountain at the end of our trip (so we can drive up to Wyoming to see the eclipse in the path of totality), we didn't map anything out or make the first campground reservation.  While we have run into a couple of snags finding campgrounds that aren't booked out (August is prime camping season in Colorado), it is freeing to have complete flexibility to stay and enjoy and explore each place until we're ready to move on - instead of rushing through to get to a specific place by a certain date. 

Our first destination after our rather LONG drive west, was Colorado Springs. My parents visited last summer and highly recommended it to us. It is a very neat town - but it was packed!  Everywhere we went was crowded, but we were still able to visit a lot of the sights on our list - The Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak (where Big Sister had a rough bout of elavation sickness), Florissant Fossil Bed, Mueller State Park, Dinosaur Resource Center (we went when they first opened and had an awesome guided tour all to ourselves. Big Sister and Little Bud know so many dinosaur facts; they seriously amaze me!), and we visited the Odyssey play area at Focus on the Family twice. Big Sister has always loved the Adventures  in Odyssey series (her uncle gifted her with lots of tapes and CDs from his childhood collection), so she enjoyed every second of her time there!  Having a snack in Whit's End made her day!




1 comment:

  1. First of all, thank you for taking the time to blog so we don't sit around here whining about where you might be and how everyone is. Love the travels with you.
