Thursday, September 18, 2014


For the past 3 years or so, Big Sister has been a huge fan of the band NeedToBreathe.  We listened to their music so much while I was pregnant with Little Bud that listening to it was one of the only things that calmed him down when he was upset as an infant.  From birth until he was 4 months old, he would scream every time he was in the car (those were some tough days!), unless he listened to the NeedToBreathe song, "Slumber".  So, we've listened to that particular song (and all the other songs on that CD), countless times.  We heard that they were coming to town, and when we saw the concert was scheduled to be at the Alabama Theater (such a cool venue!), we knew we wanted to surprise Big Sister with tickets.  The only problem was, the good seats were snatched up in a few milliseconds of going on sale!  Stupid scalpers!  The entire show was sold out in less than a day.  Since this was Big Sister's first concert experience, we didn't want to go unless we were able to get good seats (I was online when the sale went live, but by the time I chose what kind of seats we wanted, the good ones were GONE).  We were so disappointed we couldn't surprise her.  Then the heavens opened up and they scheduled a second concert!  We didn't want to miss out again, so I signed up with their fan club in order to buy pre-sale tickets.  We decided to pay the extra to get VIP tickets, because they got us seats in the center of the 3rd row!  With the VIP tickets we were able to meet the band before the concert.  Big Sister was super excited about it, but we had to be there super early to meet them.  In hindsight, we should have skipped that part, since it required so much waiting (which is not one of Big Sister's strong suites!).  The concert was amazing though.  I'm not a big concert can, but NeedToBreathe put on a great show, and it was cool to hear some of the back stories on some of their music.  Big Sister fell asleep before they played her favorite song (two 10 year old girls in front of us were also asleep by then too), but I recorded it for her :)

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