A few months ago we decided to plan another trip to Disney World. We might be crazy, but we had such a fun time there last year. We decided to let Big Sister in on the secret this time, but we wanted to tell her in a fun way. After some consideration, we decided to make a paper chain to countdown to all of the "summer fun" we had planned. I had the links for the chain prepared ahead of time, but we put it together as a family, talking about all of the fun things we had to look foward to. The last link to the chain was decorated like Mickey Mouse and Big Sister caught on pretty quickly. She said, "Is this for when we're going to BISNEY WORLD?????" (she still says "Disney" like "Bisney" just as she did when she was a toddler). She was equally excited about all of the other fun events on her calendar. VBS with her friends, Philip and Courtney's Wedding, Ballet Camp, Summer Blast!, Art Camp, and our trip to visit family and explore New Hampshire and Maine. We've had fun counting down each week!
We made the chain back towards the end of May on a Saturday morning.
We had Mickey pancakes for breakfast :)
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