Monday, August 27, 2012

Half Birthday!

I almost can't believe it's been a whole 6 months since our sweet Little Bud officially joined our family. He is such a happy little guy and for the most part has endured our crazy travel schedule with smiles. He loves his Big Sister; she makes him laugh all the time! She's always willing to share her toys with him, even her Peppa Pig. He likes it when his Daddy plays with him, and often looks lovingly at him from across the room. He's been saying "dada" for almost a month now. Of course he loves his Mommy, especially when it's time to eat, and he likes to cuddle when he's sleepy. He said "mama" for the first time a few days ago; it was a cry of desperation when he was ready to get out of the car seat! He easily sleeps 12 hours most nights, and takes 2 naps each day. He seems very interested in food lately, so I'll probably start making baby food for him once we get back home. In celebration of his half birthday, we gave him an apple to teeth on!

On the travel front, we decided to stay an extra night in Glacier so that John could go on a longer hike and do some fishing on his own. He went to Trout Lake, about a 4 mile hike each way, up and over a mountain. I unfortunately forgot to pack the point and shoot camera in his backpack, so there are no pictures of his adventure. The littles and I spent the day at the pool and playground, and we watched a few movies in between. At the playground, Big Sister got onto the tower and looked out over the great expanse for Columbiana! She's been telling just about everyone she meets that she's from, "Alabama. Columbiana.". We're not sure why she says it that way.

Tomorrow we head south to Red Lodge, Montana so that we can drive Beartooth Pass, which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful drives in the US.

Sorry for all of the out of order pictures. The Blogger app puts them wherever it pleases, and we don't have WiFi to fix it on the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Big Sister looks so grown up sitting on the couch next to her little brother! Looking forward to seeing y'all soon and hearing all about this Great Adventure of yours. :) Travel safe!
