Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little Bud is 2!?!

I'm not exactly sure how the last 2 years went by so quickly!  Little Bud is 2.  He is growing and learning so much every day!  And, it seems that teething is a thing of the past.  Hallelujah!  Little Bud's molars finished coming in just before his birthday, so he's back to his normal, happy self!!

He is still quite independent, and likes to be wild and free, but in general he is a much happier little guy.  He has been super affectionate lately, and my heart melts a little each time he decides to give me a hug or kiss.  He is talking more (we were worried a few months ago about his lack of vocabulary), and his personality is starting to show.  He speaks about 30 words, but also uses about 15 sounds in place of words (he says, "moo" instead of "cow" when he sees a cow, or sings the little "ah ah ahhh" song when he sees Big Sister's Ariel doll).  His vocabulary seems to be growing daily though, and he's willing to give new words a try if we ask him to.  We just went for his 2 year check up, and the doctor said his vocabulary is definitely in the normal range.  And, while he's still small, he's firmly on the growth chart, so we're happy about that.

These are his stats from his 2 year check up:
Head Circumference: 48 cm
Height: 33 1/3 inches (10th percentile)
Weight: 22 pounds, 4 ounces (5th percentile)

He's a happy, healthy boy!!

He's wearing size 5 diapers, and is wearing 2T shirts, but still wears 18 month pants (his little waist is so skinny!).  He loves shoes (I think it's because he knows he has to have shoes on to go outside!), and he likes to pick out what shirt he's going to wear each day (he likes anything with dinosaurs, trucks, cars, fire engines, trains or planes!).  He LOVES the Llama Llama books and has taken over Big Sister's Llama Llama stuffed animal (he sleeps with it every night!).  He enjoys picking out books for us to read to him, and will even sit with us sometimes when we're working on Big Sister's school work.

He still occasionally bites or pulls hair, but he's beginning to understand that it's not nice.

He loves to play outside!  Thankfully we've had some nice days here and there.  If it's nice outside, he wants to spend every waking moment in the backyard.

We love our Little Bud!  He brings so much joy to our family :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Beach Birthday Celebration

John has been busy at work lately, so we decided it sounded like a good idea to plan a little beach getaway for Little Bud's birthday.  John was able to take off Thursday and Friday, and we decided to drive down Wednesday after John came home from work, so that we would have 3 and 1/2 days to spend in the sand and sun.  Thursday and Friday were a bit cold, but the weather was amazing on Saturday and Sunday.  Big Sister even braved the ocean waters on Sunday morning!

We took Little Bud out for breakfast on his birthday.  We went to a little restaurant in Rosemary Beach, and we were the only customers!  We had planned to ride the bikes down to breakfast, but it was too cold, so we drove instead.  After he filled up on waffles, we drove over the outlets since it was still a little bit too cool to be out on the beach.  The outlets in Destin have a fun playground, so after we did a bit of shopping (new shoes for Big Sister and Easter outfits for both kids!), Little Bud and Big Sister had a blast playing, climbing and jumping before we headed back to the townhouse.  We ate an early dinner at Pickles in Seaside before we went back to sing Happy Birthday to Little Bud!

The rest of the weekend was very low key.  It was by far the best beach trip we've had since Big Sister joined our family.  Going to the beach with kids is no easy task.  I think a combination of things made it better this time; the kids are becoming more independent, we are more used to the chaos that goes along with a kids beach trip, and the fact that we pretty much had the entire beach to ourselves (so the kids could run and play without us worrying too much).

John took the kids out on the paddle board and the kayak, and they enjoyed both!  Big Sister didn't want to go on the paddle board at first, because she was worried about getting wet (the water was FREEZING), but by Sunday afternoon, she jumped in!  That girl loves the water!!

Little Bud opening a few of his presents
(Big Sister wrapped all of the presents from us)

He was excited about his Sesame Street card from Grandpa!

new shoes!

Big Sister bought Little Bud this light up bouncy ball
with her own money.  She was so excited to give it to him :)

Thank you hugs!

Daddy showing Little Bud that he's 2

playground fun at the outlets!

walking on the beach

The sand was so cold that Big Sister and I went back up, our feet were
FREEZING, but Daddy and Little Bud toughed it out and 
had a fun time exploring together

I made strawberry cupcakes for Little Bud
He loves strawberries!  We tried to counteract the pink from the
strawberries with dinosaur candles :)  

Fun new trucks from Great Aunt Meg

Big Sister turned his new pajamas into a stylish scarf!
Aunt Jamie will be so proud!!

Yay for new birthday books!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Small World

Big Sister is still loving her new room!  It's so bright and cheery.  Little Bud especially likes her Small World dolls, he points to them and says, "girl" when he wants to play with a particular one!  We have yet to finish the painting over her bed (John has been crazy busy with work lately, and there is no way I can draw well enough to finish it out on my own!), but we're hoping to get that done soon.  I love that there are so many sentimental pieces in both of the kids rooms.  Big Sister's bed was given to her by John's Aunt Tammy (who also gave Big Sister her giraffe neck pillow for Christmas, which she cuddles with EVERY single night!), her dresser was John's mom's from when she was growing up.  John and his dad made the little book shelf that's under the window together when John was a kid.  Her kitchen set was her Aunt Jamie's (her GeoSafari globe belonged to Aunt Jamie as well!).  Papa Jack made her table and chair set for her several Christmases ago.  Her Small World dolls were Christmas gifts from grandparents and great grandparents!  And Grammie made her chair cover and pillows for her little reading nook.  Big Sister is one blessed and loved little girl!   

John and his dad made the little book shelf below the window together
when John was a kid.  Big Sister loves that Daddy gave her something that was his!

Somehow I didn't take a picture of this wall when I took the rest of the photos in the post,
so this is a picture I snapped Christmas morning (which is why things are a bit messy!).

"Small World" inspired sun

Big Sister's cousin sent her the painting that's hanging below her shelves.  So sweet :)
The little music box that's to the right of the Japanese doll was a gift from Papa and Grams.
It's a beautiful music/jewelry box that they got for her in Sorrento. 

This mirror is currently in hiding, after Little Bud pulled it off the wall 3 times!
Hopefully we'll be able to rehang it again soon.