This cute little guy is officially 7 months old! It seems like each month goes by a little faster. We love him oh so much!
Since we were out of town last month, Little Bud's 6 month check up was a bit delayed. We went to the doctor last week and overall she was pleased with his development. He is a bit underweight, so we're trying to help him pack on the pounds! The doctor suggested we up his avocado intake and even add some coconut oil to his baby food. She also said to make sure he gets plenty of veggies (this is one area I neglected a bit with Big Sister, and she still only likes a handful of vegetables, although she decided last week that since she's "grown up", she now likes salad!). So far he hasn't met a food he doesn't like! He's had apples, avocado-apple, banana, golden beet-apple, carrot-fresh coconut and smashed sweet potatoes with a touch of cinnamon. Next I'm planning to make him a kale-banana-avocado mixture. I was a bit worried about finding time to make his baby food, but I forgot how simple it is! I typically make up several batches at a time and freeze them in ice cube trays. About an hour before he eats, I pop out the baby food cubes and let them unthaw. Hopefully when we go back for our follow up visit Little Bud will be a bit chunkier!
Here are his 6 month stats:
Weight: 13 pounds, 3 ounces
Length: 26 1/4 inches
Head Circumference: 42 1/4 cm
Teeth: 2
In other news, Little Bud and Big Sister are roommates! After much deliberation about the best course of action (keep him in his portable crib in our room, make space for his portable crib in the spare room, put the crib in a little nook in our hallway, etc.) we decided to do a few trial nights with them both in the same room. We were worried that he would wake her up if he woke up fussy(which he was doing almost every night) or that she would wake him up calling for us to help her to the bathroom, cover her up/uncover her, or find a missing "friend" (stuffed animal) in the night. They've been rooming together for a little over a week, and so far they each have slept through the other's wake up calls, and Little Bud must be extra happy with the arrangement, because he hasn't woken up during the night since he moved in! Big Sister loves the new arrangement since she prefers to not be "lonely".
Here are a few more of Little Bud's 7 month pictures: